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Friday, September 30, 2016

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Top 5: WCW PPVs

By @TrueGodImmortal

As a possible TNA sale to WWE stays in the air at this current moment, I wanted to take a look back at WCW and their best PPVs. Over the years, WCW had some great moments in their short yet storied run, and some of their PPVs were absolutely entertaining. Let's get into this top 5 list and see what ranks at no. 1.

5. WCW Starrcade 1995

-I hadn't witnessed a PPV quite like this one when I tuned into it, but I couldn't complain at all. With the World Cup of Wrestling taking place and some New Japan wrestlers being introduced here, the card gave us some classics. Chris Benoit vs Jushin Liger dazzled me, and Eddie Guerrero vs Shinjiro Otani was yet another solid match that showcased the ring work that lacked in most WCW events.  Sting and Sasaki put on a great match early on and then a triple threat between Lex Luger, Sting, and Ric Flair for no. 1 contendership to the WCW Championship led to a nice Randy Savage vs Ric Fair title match that saw Flair win the championship. This event is slept on and one of my favorite WCW events ever.

4. WCW WrestleWar 1992

-Before Fall Brawl, this is where War Games lived. This PPV was truly solid, and had some of the best WCW matches, including the main event, and the match to determine the no. 1 contender to the IWGP Tag Titles. Brian Pillman was the man during this period and his match with Tom Zenk wowed the crowd, but nothing was better than the main event which had Sting, Nikita Koloff, Barry Windham, Dustin Rhodes, and Ricky Steamboat taking on Steve Austin, Rick Rude, Larry Zbyskyo, Bobby Eaton, and Arn Anderson. This was really in one of WCW's primes without Ric Flair. The show was great.

3. WCW Halloween Havoc 1997

-This PPV is absolutely one of my favorites minus the clusterfuck of a main event. Piper vs Hogan was reborn here for some reason, but what I love the most about the event is the flow of matches from the Savage vs DDP match, Jericho vs Gedo, Hennig vs Flair, Scott Hall vs Luger, Yuji Nagata vs Ultimo Dragon, and not to mention the epic Cruiserweight Title match between Rey Mysterio Jr. Vs Eddie Guerrero, which is one of my favorite WCW matches ever. This PPV had everything you could look for from WCW.

2. WCW Superbrawl II (1992)

-There are many great events that go under the radar, but when talking purely in the ring action, this probably would be the best event of them all. With a great main event that saw Sting defeat Lex Luger for the WCW Title, this event had some great matches including Ron Simmons vs Cactus Jack, The Steiner Brothers vs Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, Steve Austin and Larry Zbyskyo vs Barry Windham and Dustin Rhodes, Rick Rude vs Ricky Steamboat, and the classic match of the night between Brian Pillman and Jushin Liger. Yet another great event for WCW and my personal favorite.

1. WCW Bash At The Beach 1996

-The greatest WCW event. Why? Because it shaped the course of the company for the rest of the duration it existed. In ring wise? This PPV wasn't better than some others on this list, but it was full of action throughout the night including the amazing Cruiserweight contest with Rey Mysterio and Psychosis. Dean Malenko put on a good contest with Disco Inferno, Konnan and Ric Flair had a nice contest, and the main event was one of the biggest matches ever in WCW history as Hulk Hogan turned heel and created the NWO with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. This changed the course of WCW forever.



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