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Saturday, September 12, 2015

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The Authority Needs Change


August 18th 2013.

Summerslam took place in Los Angeles, California, where we saw Daniel Bryan and John Cena put on one hell of a match with Triple H as the special guest referee. Bryan beat Cena and the next thing you know, Randy Orton comes out, teases, leaves & then Triple H decides to screw Bryan & 99% of the WWE Universe. Now me personally, I favored the move, not only because Randy is my favorite, but Randy needed that heel turn, even though it didn't live up to expectations. Summerslam 13' closed out with HHH & Randy Orton at the front of our screens, so where does that leave us?

Next night on Monday Night RAW, DB and Cena are in the ring when Stephanie McMahon music hits, as she just comes down to the ring and goes straight bitch mode as usual. She addresses DB and she says that she's sorry about what happened and that he deserved the WWE championship, BUT her husband (the C.O.O.) Triple H was just doing what was best for business. Daniel Bryan throws some blows at Triple H and Stephanie even says he's going to give them a reason to fire him.

Later that night, Triple H, Steph & the BOSS Vince McMahon come to the ring. Triple H talks about doing what was best for business and he says he did it for Vince McMahon. Randy comes out, greets Triple H, Vince, and Stephanie (with a big hug) and he says "I told you so". He said when he cashed in, we wouldn't see it coming. He thanked Triple H and shows big time respect, which caught A LOT of heat from the fans. Triple H invites Daniel Bryan to the ring, but The Shield attacks him of course. Bryan stumbles into the ring and Randy RKO's him. Throughout the next couple of months, it was just The Authority as the biggest heels in the business. They took the whole Daniel Bryan underdog angle and made it even better. That part of the Authority I liked very much and with Orton has champ it was a hot angle. Many segments you would see Orton get into it with Steph and sometimes HHH, but I always wondered why did the Authority seem like the babyfaces when in true reality, they were the heels.

As time passed, it just got old. They added Seth, J&J Security, and Big Show at first and  I started to favor the faction more because it featured 3 top heels, a heel female in Steph, two powerhouses and of course J&J. They eventually turned on Orton, which sidelined him until Fastlane, where he returned and it seemed maybe we could get something like the rebel Orton vs The Authority. We kind of got it, but it was more leaning towards Orton vs Rollins and J&J only, which it should have, but I feel like it would have been better if the Authority played a bigger part. Taking into consideration Orton's history with HHH would have been great as well. The whole angle with Orton playing cool with the authority was a waste, but that was just creative being creative as usual in WWE. Even with Rollins now, I can see shades of how the Authority was with Orton, but don't get me wrong, Rollins is killing it. Right now, he's arguably the best in the business, but still the way the Authority was with Orton, they are with Rollins.

The last time the Authority as a whole was relevant was the whole Daniel Bryan underdog storyline. Now if I could control the Authority situation, I'd easily have Seth beat Sting & Cena at NOC. The Authority comes out to congratulate him, celebrates and at the last second turn on him, beat him down, and Sheamus comes down, cashes in, aligns with the Authority.. BAM! You've got yourself a storyline which can actually lead to two matches: Rollins vs Sheamus & Rollins vs HHH, which most likely BOTH will happen. Also the Authority could screw Rollins in a U.S. title match and it easily makes sense. HHH & Steph have shown recently that they are getting fed up with Rollins' attitude and disrespect. Might I say, Rollins as a babyface is MONEY! Yes, he's money as a heel, but as a babyface seems legit! Sheamus being the Authority's new golden boy is something new & fresh because lord knows Sheamus needs that. The whole Orton vs Sheamus thing is disgusting and I'm pretty sure everybody is done with that. I just feel like the Authority are out of things to do as far as being apart of feuds. We've seen them on the opposite sides of Orton, Cena, Ambrose, Reigns, Big Show, Sting and I mean maybe it's just time to be a little more off screen. Although when we did have that, a lot of us wanted them back. I just feel the whole Sheamus cashing in is the best for them right now. It gives us Sheamus vs Rollins for a couple PPVs then could lead to Rollins vs HHH or even Dean & Roman helping their old brother out in a Shield reunion. The Authority are top heels, and I love them, but I just feel it's about that time. They only have about 1 or 2 more feuds in them unless creative can pull something off big time. The Authority Needs Change.



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