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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

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The Wrestling Challenge: Rollins versus Cena

Stop me if you've heard it before. Actually, you may've just heard me talking about this a week or two ago. Seth Rollins, at Summerslam, has the chance of a lifetime when he faces off against John Cena in a title for title match (probably). This is one of those things that tends to go one of two ways.

Cena wins...or LOLCENAWINS.

However, with this new changing of the guard in the WWE that people keep speaking of, could we see a different outcome? Could we see Seth Rollins transform from chickenshit heel to full-on cold-blooded assassin? I'm still a bit perplexed about Rollins putting over legitimately breaking Cena's nose, but not being allowed to do the Curb Stomp. However, I like it. He's shown an edge that we've not seen from him since his Shield days.

If Rollins wins, it's a big sign of how WWE sees him and this new generation. Perhaps they're coming to the realization that Cena can't run everything forever and the title can't go through him every time ratings slump. Rollins is a smarmy guy. He's a heel you want and love to hate. He's a guy that you look at and say "ugh, this gelled-up piece of crap needs to get his just desserts." But, he's money.

If he wins, it's like WWE is giving the keys to the next-PC (Post-Cena) batch of talents. However it's not like they'd be saying "have fun with daddy's Audi. Be back by 10." They'd be saying "take this sumbitch as your own, as long as you don't add spinners to it. We just finished cleansing our palettes of that bullshit."

Is the WWE finally ready to pull the trigger? Well, we'll see in two weeks...at Summerslam. Now that my Michael Cole impersonation is out the way, this is SOTB!!! saying peace love and soullllllll.


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