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Thursday, June 25, 2015

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Lucha Headlines Review: 6/24/15 Episode

Lucha Headlines 6/24/15
By Nathan Neumann @Headliner5

Hello Eyes On The Ring readers, and welcome to the debut edition of Lucha Headlines written by myself Nathan.

You know me from my weekly Ring Of Honor reviews on the site, but I was recruited by Greg DeMarco from VOC Nation to start doing Lucha Underground reviews for them, but I was also told that I could use the same reviews (per some editing to make it site appropriate) for EyesOnTheRing.com

I’ve been toying with the idea of doing Lucha Underground reviews for sometime and since there are only six weeks left of Lucha Underground (sadly), what a better time to start than now?

Lucha Underground made it’s debut on October 29th 2014 and it has revitalized my love of professional wrestling, because for a while I was considering retiring from my fandom. Although ROH was good and I enjoy it, nothing was catching my eye outside of that.  Enter Lucha Underground and my rebirth as a wrestling fan.  I sat down on October 29th not expecting much, but have been completely in awe by the stuff that I have seen and the Lucha Underground official twitter account follows me on twitter (pretty cool huh).

Anyways enough of my rambling, lets get to the review shall we?

Things kick off with a recap of last week followed by joining the band inside of the arena. We then go to the announcers booth where announcer Matt Striker and Vampiro recap the return of Alberto El Patron.

Next, we find out that Alberto El Patron vs. Johnny Mundo is now official for Ultimo Lucha in six weeks time.

From there, we go backstage to a sit down interview with Super Fly as conducted by Vampiro. Superfly speaks of his betrayal of Sexy Star and he says that he was pretty much jealous of her because he lost his mask and she still has hers.  He says that he should have walked away from the Mask vs. Mask match, because if he did, none of this would have happened.  He seemed remorseful towards his actions on Sexy Star, but says that he plans to continue what he started tonight.

Match 1 
Superfly vs. Sexy Star

The story of this match was pretty simple and straightforward. Superfly was going after the mask of Sexy Star the entire time. Sexy Star hits a cross body block to the outside of the ring in a very high impact spot. The end of the match came when Superfly defeated Sexy Star with a powerbomb followed by a Sit out powerbomb to score the pinfall victory.

Result: Superfly defeats Sexy Star via powerbomb combination.

After the match Superfly decided that beating Sexy Star wasn’t enough and he decides to add insult to injury by attacking her more. I’m assuming this will go somewhere within the next few weeks, but for now we are left hanging, and in a promotion like this, I am perfectly fine with it because I try and enjoy it for what it is without overanalyzing it.

From there, we see a vignette hyping Drago who is ready to fight tonight.

Before the next match, Pentagon Jr. vows to make another sacrifice and destroy the man who took his latest and greatest sacrifice away from him in Vampiro. Vampiro gets up off of the commentary desk looking to fight, but Pentagon backs down. I’m not sure where they are going with this, if anywhere, but if it does end up in a match, I have a feeling Pentagon is going to destroy Vampiro.

Next up, we have our second match of the night, which was a four-way match.

Match 2
Aerostar vs. Marty “The Moth” Martinez vs. The Mack vs. Cage
Aztec Medallion match #3 of 7

If you don’t know about the Aztec Medallions, you are not alone, I know of their existence, but not what they do. However, there are a total of seven and apparently once all seven have been claimed we will find out what this entire Medallion business is about. I’m assuming it’s all leading to Ultima Lucha, which is fine with me.

Aerostar was the real Star in this match (pun intended), at one point in the match he hopped on the top turnbuckle and made his way across one of the ropes to the other turnbuckles to deliver a hurricanrana on one of his opponents. Aerostar eventually wins the match with a springboard splash to pick up the third medallion, but there are still four of them out there somewhere that have yet to be claimed.

Result: Aerostar defeats Marty “The Moth” Martinez, The Mack, and Cage to claim the third of seven Aztec Medallions

Backstage, Ivelisse, Son Of Havoc and Angelico are shown training and arguing and doing whatever the hell else they usually do. Ivelisse and Son Of Havoc begin arguing like we are used to seeing from them, but Catrina makes her presence felt. Catrina touches Ivelisse in a weird way and then says that God can’t save them from Death. After that, the Disciples of Death appear via electroshock and take out the trios tag team champions. Catrina then summons Mil Muertes as they head to the ring for his match up next.

Back in the temple and we see Drago in the ring, but he is jumped by Hernandez, who attacks him with a belt and chokes him out before going to a commercial break.  Once we get back from the commercial, the main event gets underway.

Main Event – Match 3
Drago vs. Mil Muertes
#1 Contenders match the winner faces Prince Puma for the Lucha Underground Championship in the main event of Ultima Lucha

Before the match even gets underway, Hernandez runs down to the ring and begins beating the holy hell out of Drago. Drago manages to recover, but still has to face Mil Muertes. The referee asks Drago if he can continue, and like a warrior, Drago says yes, and the main event gets underway. At one point in the match, Mil Muertes bulldozed Drago with a spear. Mil was doing whatever he could do to win this match and was using everything that wasn’t pinned down inside of the temple as a weapon. Back in the ring, Drago hits a desperation Tornado DDT, but wouldn’t last much longer as he fell to Mil Muertes after a flatliner.

Result: Mil Muertes defeats Drago with a flatliner to become the number one contender to Prince Puma and the Lucha Underground Championship at Ultima Lucha.

That will do it for my first review of Lucha Underground for EyesOnTheRing.com. I hope you enjoyed the first installment of Lucha Headlines and if you did just remember that there will be more where that came from (well six weeks more to be exact until Lucha Underground has it’s season finale). If you made it this far, thank you for reading and I will see you right here for another edition of Lucha Headlines.



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