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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

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EOTR Tag Team Tuesdays: The 5 Greatest Survivor Series Teams

By @TrueGodImmortal

With Survivor Series on the way, and such an emphasis placed on Survivor Series teams, I figured what better way to celebrate this than to give you something different for the Tag Team Tuesdays article. Let's take a look at the 5 best teams that were assembled for Survivor Series.

5. Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, The Dudley Boyz, Booker T
(Survivor Series 2003)

-On paper, this might be the best collection of talent ever, unfortunately, this team came up a little short in their Survivor Series. This team wrestled for the honor of Stone Cold Steve Austin, as the stipulation for their match said that if Austin's team lost the match, then Austin would lose his job. Regardless, I still think this team was a solid one, with a ton of talent who normally would have easily won any elimination match they were in. I actually think this was a better assembled team than the one that actually beat them.

4. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk, and The Hardy Boyz
(Survivor Series 2006)

-This is an actual team that won their match, and as a matter of fact, they absolutely dominated the contest they took part in. This collection of talent is absolutely ridiculous, and looking back, the Hardy Boyz ended up being the least important pieces of this team. Labeled Team DX, this team would take on Team Rated RKO, which consists of Edge, Randy Orton, Johnny Nitro, Mike Knox, and Greogry Helms. Mike Knox was eliminated early, then Johnny Nitro, followed by Gregory Helms, and then of course near back to back final eliminations of Edge and Orton, sweeping the competition for this group of extremely talented wrestlers. This team is an All Time great Survivor Series team.

3. Stone Cold Steve Austin, Rob Van Dam, Shane McMahon, Kurt Angle, and Booker T
(Survivor Series 2001)

-It's a bit strange having teams on here that didn't win their respective matches, but look at this team and tell me that there is another team not on this list that possesses this type of star power, draw power, and legacy. Booker T? Legend. Kurt Angle? Legend. Stone Cold? Legend. Shane and RVD at the time provided a different element to this team and as a result, I thought they were a well oiled machine. They would take part in the greatest Survivor Series match ever, but of course, they fell short. Still, this is another dream team in Survivor Series history that would have garnered a win against any other team.

2. Hulk Hogan, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, and Demolition
(Survivor Series 1989)

-This is my bias: The fact that Hogan and Jake teamed up makes this no. 2 on my list. Hogan was on top of the world honestly, as the champion and face of the company and this team would end up being a bigger deal than expected. Being backed by Hogan helped, but the thing that makes this team so special to me is how well they actually worked together. Facing off against Ted Dibiase, Zeus, and the Powers of Pain, the Hulkamanicas would emerge victorious and I still can't believe that Hogan teaming with Jake didn't lead to a big feud between the two over the WWF Championship. What a waste.

1. The Rock, Chris Jericho, Kane, Big Show, The Undertaker
(Survivor Series 2001)

-There is no other team in Survivor Series history with this collection of talent in it. Not even close. The Rock, an all time legend. Chris Jericho, an all time legend. The Undertaker, an all time legend. Kane, another legend. Big Show, a legend in his own regard. This was one of the most stacked teams of all time and they would face off against my third pick on this list in the greatest Survivor Series main event in the history of the event. I loved watching the battle back and forth between those two teams, but more importantly, seeing all of those legends on one team is now a moment in time. This is without a doubt, the greatest Survivor Series team of all time.



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