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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

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So, I watched a Lucha Underground Match

By Speed on the Beat (Find SOTB!!! on Twitter)

On a whim, I took the plunge. I went to YouTube, went to El Rey's channel (since I don't have the actual network on my provider at home) and loaded up a match. The match, Johnny Mundo (John Morrison) versus King Cuerno, was a cage match that seems like it was part of a blood feud between the two. From the moment they locked up, there was something different about this match versus a WWE or a TNA.

It felt real. It felt like these two guys hated the holy bejeweled beejeebus out of each other and wanted to kick their respective heads in. It isn't a spots-only affair, something people tend to expect from gimmick matches these days. Each attack, each connect, each miss, it carried weight. And as the match drew to a close, the audience swelled with anticipation and I legitimately marked out over Mundo's finisher done off of a cage. Hell, the announcers even put over the "holy shit!" chants, something that doesn't happen anywhere these days.

Now, LU isn't perfect. Their camera angles are a bit dizzying, for starters. Also, the promotion features some--but not all--of the better talents from Mexico and beyond. So, you're still missing out on wrestlers. Finally, the announcing crew is just "meh," for me at least. However, if you're looking for a reason to watch LU, maybe this match will give you one.


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