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Monday, February 23, 2015

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Nathan's ROH Review 2/21/2015

By Nathan Neumann, Twitter @Headliner5

Hello Ringers, another week down and another review from myself. We are now one week away from ROH’s 13th Anniversary show which will be live on PPV on Sunday March 1st.  I will be there live and will hopefully write a review of that PPV when I get back from my trip for EyesontheRing.com. This week’s show was what WWE fans commonly know as the “go-home show.” Quite frankly, the one hour go-home show that we got on Saturday night was a lot better than the three hours of TV that we got last week on RAW headed into Fast Lane.

Now you may be wondering, “but Nathan there’s another Saturday before March 1st isn’t there?” Well, yes...but ROH isn’t doing a normal show next week. They will be doing an in-studio show to hype the PPV which means that there will not be a review next week.  But enough of my rambling because eventually I have to get in to talking about the wrestling so let’s get down to business.
This week’s show kicks off with Alberto El Patron making his way to the ring for a match with ACH. We are joined this week on commentary by Truth Martini who is filling in for the absent Steve Corino.

Match 1
ACH vs. Alberto El Patron

Thoughts: The two lock up and both men go immediately to the corner, ACH corners El Patron and begins chopping him but Alberto turns it around putting ACH in the corner where he delivers some of his patented kicks.  From there ACH dumps El Patron out of the ring and follows him out, El Patron hits ACH with an enziguri on the outside that echoed throughout the arena.  Back in the ring and ACH hits El Patron with a high cross body off of the top rope to score a near fall.  El Patron recovers and gets ACH in the corner and sets him up for a reverse suplex, which is successful on ACH for a near fall.

ACH recovers and makes his way to the top turnbuckle.  From here ACH hits a double stomp to the back of El Patron’s neck for a near fall.  El Patron recovers and takes over on the advantage and kicks ACH in the face when ACH is on his knees on the mat to score a near fall.  El Patron rolls to the outside and ACH comes off of the ropes and takes out Alberto with a corkscrew vaulting body press.  The finish came when both men were back in the ring.  Alberto El Patron grabbed ACH’s arm and locked on the cross arm breaker, which forced the tap out from ACH and allowed Alberto El Patron to pick up the submission victory.

Result: Alberto El Patron defeats ACH via submission with a cross arm breaker.

Match Rating: **1/2

Great showing from both El Patron and ACH. We already know what ACH can do inside of an ROH ring but now we are growing accustomed and ROH fans who may be seeing Alberto El Patron for the first time (if you’ve been living under a rock) are getting a good introduction to him.  El Patron will do great things for ROH (where the wrestling is the most important thing) and I look forward to seeing how he progresses as a talent in this company.

We then go to a video package, which shows The Briscoe brothers training with ODB ahead of their respective matches at the ROH 13th Anniversary show next weekend.
Back in the arena and we are set for our next match of the evening.

Match 2
Michael Elgin vs. Mark Briscoe

Thoughts: The match starts off with some red neck kung fu from Mark he knocks Elgin to the outside of the ring and goes for an Elbow drop from the apron to the floor on the outside of the ring but Elgin rolls back into the ring in order to prevent Briscoe from hitting the move.  Back in the ring and Elgin takes over when he gets on the top rope and hits a flipping leg drop to Briscoe who was hung up in the middle rope to get a two count.  Elgin hits an exploder suplex and goes to the top rope for a moonsault but it misses.  Briscoe recovers and hits an exploder suplex of his own for a near fall.

Mark picks Elgin up and hits a roll through Death Valley Driver.  Elgin recovers and hits a springboard foot stomp from the outside of the ring to the inside of the ring.  Elgin follows it up with a splash on the ground for a near fall.  Mark makes it to the top rope and jumps off but just as he’s about to hit Elgin, Elgin catches Briscoe with a powerbomb.  Elgin hangs on and picks Briscoe up for another powerbomb and then picks him up yet again this time to hit Mark with his brothers own move the Jay Driller to score the pinfall victory.

Result: Michael Elgin defeats Mark Briscoe via pinfall with a Jay Driller.

Match Rating: **1/2

Elgin then takes the turnbuckle rod (that somehow came disconnected from the ring) and tries to fish hook Mark’s mouth with it. Jay Briscoe runs in for the save of his brother. Elgin grabs the world title and hits Jay with it and poses with said belt. Tommaso Ciampa runs into the ring and knocks down Elgin and poses with the belt, which brings out Hanson. Hanson, Elgin, and Briscoe all make it out to the floor. Ciampa flies from the top rope to the outside of the ring to take out both Briscoe and Hanson with a splash...but Elgin side steps the move as to avoid it.  This brings an end to that whole thing. A good way to get people interested in the main event and perhaps ordering the PPV which if I wasn’t going to be there live this would have definitely sold me on ordering the show.

Main Event - Match 3
Roderick Strong vs. Jay Lethal
Non-Title match

Thoughts: Before the match can get underway, Jimmy Jacobs makes his way out to the ring to get a closer look at the man that BJ Whitmer will be facing come Sunday.  The match starts off in the ring with Roderick catching Lethal off of the top rope for a backbreaker, which he gets a near fall from.

Strong rolls to the outside of the ring which allows Lethal some time to recover and hit Strong with three consecutive suicide dives on the outside of the ring.  Back in the ring and Strong hits Lethal with an Olympic slam for a near fall.  Lethal recovers and hits the Lethal Combination and turns it into a Koji clutch to try and get a submission but Roderick makes it to the bottom rope to force the break. BJ Whitmer runs into the ring while the referee has his back turned and delivers an Exploder suplex to Roderick Strong first in the ring and another one on the floor.  From here the match is thrown out but later restarted, the two men reset and Roderick forces Lethal into a corner of the ring and sets him up on the top rope for a superplex which is successful and that gets a two count from the referee.

Roderick Strong locks Lethal in the Stronghold (Boston crab). But, Lethal makes it to the bottom rope to force the referee to break it. Jay Lethal recovers and makes it to the top rope, from there he hits the hail to the king but Roderick Strong manages to kick out at two. Roderick then recovers and runs off of the ropes and delivers a sick kick for a near fall. Jay Lethal manages to regain the upper hand and eventually wins the match after defeating Roderick Strong with the Lethal Injection.

Result: Jay Lethal defeats Roderick Strong via pinfall with a Lethal Injection.

Match Rating: **3/4

From here we cut randomly to the backstage area to see both Roderick Strong and BJ Whitmer beating on each other in the back. Meanwhile, back in the ring, El Patron runs down and starts pounding on Jay Lethal. Jay Lethal exits the ring to the outside and makes it up the ramp with Truth Martini and his TV title as the show goes off of the air for the week.

Good show a perfect way to send the fans into a PPV, they got a lot done in this hour and it shows how much time and effort they put into the hour of TV that they are allotted each and every week. That however will do it for me and this review of Ring Of Honor Wrestling television, just an FYI there will not be a review from me next week because 1. I’ll be in Vegas and 2. They are having a hype show for the PPV itself.

So until next time Ringers be sure and keep your eyes on EyesOnTheRing.com for all of the great news views and results within the wrestling world.  I am going to try to do a ROH 13th anniversary review once I get back but it may not get posted until later in the week if I do it at all (because I may not have time).  Make sure to follow @EyesOnTheRing on twitter where you can also follow me @Headliner5. Also be sure to check EyesOnTheRing.com for all things wrestling from myself and the rest of the team.  Finally don’t forget to tune into our weekly radio show each and every Sunday night over at blogtalkradio.com/ElitePodcastNetwork at 11:00pm Eastern Time.  Last but not least make sure and go like us on facebook at Facebook.com/EyesOnTheRing.

See you later Ringers.


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